• The Cub Pack meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at St. John's Catholic School in the gym.

  • The 146th is co-ed and registers boys & girls who in September are in Grades 3, 4 & 5.

  • Dues of $1.00 are collected from each Cub at each meeting. Dues help to subsidize the cost of Stars, Activity Badges and Awards.

The Cub Promise:

I promise to do my best
To love and serve God,
To do my duty to the Queen
To keep the law of the Wolf Cub pack
And to do a good turn
for somebody every day.

The Cub Law:

The Cub respects the Old Wolf,
The Cub respects himself.

The Cub Motto:

Do Your Best

  • The Wolf Cub program program includes a mixture of games, crafts, music, stories, outdoor activities, and spiritual fellowship. In Cubs, youth work in small groups, called sixes, to complete projects. The Cub program focuses around six activity areas: The Natural World, Outdoors, Creative Expression, Healthy Living, Home and Community, and Canada and the World. Individual interests and skills are recognized through the awarding of the activity Star - Black, Green, Tawny, Red, Blue & Purple and various activity badges. The 146th focuses on two Stars per Cub Year and at least one activity badge from each area.

  • The Cub program extends into the community through visits to places such as fire departments, libraries, and farms. This program is designed to match the vivid imagination of the members. Cubs learn to "DO THEIR BEST" through encouragement and support in trying new skills.

  • The outdoors is an essential part of the Cub program. Weekend events, hikes and overnight camping opportunities round out the Cubbing experience.

  • Cubs meet in a group called a pack. The pack is split into smaller groups called sixes. There is one adult leader for every six Cubs. Each Cub learns a promise, law and motto to help guide their personal development.

  • The Cub Pack requires a Youth-to-Leader ratio of 6 to 1.

  • A Senior Scout, known as a "Kim" can be appointed to assist the Cub Leaders during their meetings.

Akela - John Fraser
Baloo - Hugh Hart Bagheera - Mark VanElsberg
Hiawatha - Scott Jordan Singum - Martha Christon

Last updated on: October 10, 2005

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