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1st Huntingdon Scouting Group



The Beaver uniform is brown and blue. These colours symbolize nature:  brown for the earth and the beaver’s fur coat, and blue for the clear sky and the fresh sparkling water.

The Official Uniform is:

  1. Coby Hat in blue and brown with the Beavers Canada Crest (available at the Scout Shop)
  2. Beaver Vest with blue pockets (available at the Scout Shop)
  3. Group Neckerchief (presented by Colony during Investiture Ceremony)
  4. Woggle (presented during Investiture Ceremony)
  5. Beaver Tail (presented by Colony during the Tail Ceremony)


Cub, Scount, Venturer and Rover Uniforms

Each Cub, Scout, Venturer, and Rover requires a shirt and sash. The sash changes colours depending in what section you are in.  Specific Group crests will be provided by the Leaders. These are to be sewn onto the shirt. No other badges are to be sewn on the shirt.
Achievement badges when awarded are sewn on the sash as shown..

Parents can buy the uniforms at the Scout Shop in Dorval.   New members receive  their scarves at the Investiture ceremony..

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