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1st Huntingdon Leaders
2006/07  bring on the adv

Beaver Leaders
      Lori Arthur Campellone - Rainbow - Contact Leader
        Jessica Galipeau

Cub Leaders
Mike Pagé - Akela - contact Leader
     Robert Helm - Bagheera
     Patrick Dineen - Kaa
     Paul Maher - Baloo
     Andy Paquet - Singum

Scout Leaders
     Ken Watson - Contact Leader
     Steve Carrigan 
      Richard Faille

Venturer Advisor
      Ken Watson - Contact Advisor

Rover Crew
Patrick Dineen - Contact

If you would like more information on Scouting, please "click" on one of the "Contact Leaders" and send us an Email

Upcoming Events: Click here

If you would like a Leader  to contact you with more information on any of the Scouting programs that are offered  please clickhere

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