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1st Huntingdon Scouts
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bring on the adv        

Scouts (ages 11-14, Grades 6, 7, 8 and 9)
Bring on the Adventure!

    You'll enjoy your outdoor adventures as part of a team, working together with other young people to accomplish thrilling challenges.  Scouting gives every member a chance to be a leader.  It might involve running an activity, organizing a camp, or participating with other young people across your province or Canada in a youth forum.Scouts meet in a group called a troop.  The troop is split into smaller groups called patrols.  There is one leader for every six Scouts.  Each Scout learns a promise, law and motto to help guide their personal development.

When do Scouts meet:  1st Huntingdon Scouts meet on Thursday nights from 7 - 8:30 pm, at Huntingdon Academy, from the middle of September until the end of May.  Youth may join at any time.

Upcoming Events:  Click here

If you would like a Scout Leader to contact you with more information on Scouts and the Scout program, please click here

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